Brain Bib

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Gone gone gone...

Current mood: rejected eyebrow ring is gone. Took it out yesterday as I got sick of it trying to force it's way out of my skin. Is this like childbirth? Ah, the pain of rejection:(
I think I'll get it done again, if the piercer can avoid the scar tissue - maybe a curved bar for healing that's less likely to get smacked around by drunk people.
Dunno, but it feels like somethings missing so I think I'll get sommat done - nothing below the neck tho - my chin's always been a prominant feature so...

Currently listening :
Too Many DJS
By Soulwax

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Joy of Migrating Piercings

Current mood: drunk

Posting while pissed - yes!
Anyone following this blog that I don't know, might be noticing a theme. Indeed it was a pub night.

Anyway, my point was - bloody surface eyebrow piercings. Don't walk into doors, don't let a few of your mates accidently smack you in the face several times over the course of 18 months, or you'll be in my situation, where my eyebrow ring is currently hanging by a tiny thread of skin. Should I get it repierced (in a slightly differently place, obviously) or give up?
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Currently listening :
Foxbase Alpha
By Saint Etienne
Release date: By 14 January, 1992

Friday, July 21, 2006

Penance for salivering my purple wings.

Current mood: content

Title is a referance to Ian (G) licking my portable fan in an attempt to shower everyone in moist DNA and is therefore not filthy...but it sounds it, so all is well.

Yet another boozy pub night last night as a result of a failed attempt to watch the new Pirates of the Carribean film. It was going too well. Spur of the moment decision the day before, everyone was free, enough car space...something had to go wrong. Bloody Orange Wednesdays - massive queue.

First time I've been laughed at by a cashier. All I said was, "8 for Pirates at 8 O'clock". Hmm, working in the retail/service industry as I do, I'll have to remember that it's now ok to mock customers to their face (well I do this already, but only to the ones who don't notice). I'm ready for blatent offending tomorow:)

Last night's pub topic: Euphemisms for stuff:

Bloke thongs:
Cucumber futon
Courgette lilo
Hotdog recliner

Stunt pubes
Qu*m toupee (stemmed from our attempt to re-enact the imagined plot of Pirates 2 and whether Keira needed help to keep the 18th Century look accurate. Someone needed an explanation fo what a merkin actually was)

Anyway, finally made it to see the film this afternoon. Only 4 of us tho, so Pirate Jennie, Jon, Linz and Ian (C) will be unhappy...:( (especially Ian since it was his idea in the first place)
Was good, but no spoilers - since I know that the 2 people that will read this haven't seen it (tho the 2 people -hello- were also at the pub and witnessed all this, so this blog is pretty much redundent...hooray!)

Oh and Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe was back on BBC Four tonight. Watch it! (unless you hate Charlie Brooker, or TV critics in general - thos as far as Critcs go Mr. Brooker seems, to me at least, a fair way above the usual pond life).

Currently listening :
The Great Escape
By Blur
Release date: By 26 September, 1995

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Offending daily mail Readers... in their faces!

Current mood: disappointed

Nothing exciting to report, apart from slightly boozey pub musings.
Aparently my future aims, as reported by those present (I'm not entirely sure I said all of these things, but they tell me it's true):
1)To fix Gwyneth Paltrow...with a spanner
2)Have same-sex sex at Picket Post in order to offend the combined readership of the daily mail (no caps) in it's face (singular).
3)To get less pissy at post pub Splishy Splashy (caps) when people demand to hear the Bullseye theme halfway through the Superman opening. (Actually, this one I might have said)

Oh and I had an hour of anticipation followed by heartbreak and disapointment this afternoon when it turned out Charlie wasn't on local radio after all. The world must know of your love of Aha!