What's the Japanese for Lazy?*
Current mood:
Self motivation.
I have none.
I lack even the motivation to write a 10 minute blog on a regular basis, so how I ever expected myself to be able to spend an hour a day studying...
Ever since I reached the peak of local night-school Japanese education (GCSE level - though with less kanji tuition) I've struggled to make any further progress. Up to now, any option other than self-study requires a greater lifestyle change than I've been willing to risk. Unfortunately, as I've already hinted, I am inately lazy and have an acute version of the attention defecit disorder shared by anyone born since 1973.
Sporadic study marathons (seperated by long gaps) have helped me retain most of what I learned, but I just can't seem to progress without a tutor.
I've recently been giving the Pimsleur tapes a go - how hard could half an hour a day of listening and repeating be? 20 days out of 120 is how hard, apparently. I had a good run during my week off, but a week later and I haven't touched a single lesson despite all my recent good intentions.
Anyway, while this blog is just a general whinge to the 3 people that know me, it's also an appeal to anyone that may be passing (searching google for exposes on the hidden laziness of workaholic Japanese salarymen perhaps) for any tips or advice to cure my terminal lethargy.
Electric shock therapy, vegetarianism, cold salt baths... I'm open to any suggestions.
On the plus side, Jenny lent me some childrens books she bought years ago in a charity shop in the hopes that I'd at the very least be able to work out which asian language they were written in (happily they're in Japanese) and they've been great fun to (attempt to) translate.
Certainly more fun than the 12 hours I spent flicking back and forth through kanji guides in my struggle to read the first page of 'Harry Potter to Kenja no Ishi'
*By the way the answer is 'taidana', although I was almost too lazy to look it up.

Self motivation.
I have none.
I lack even the motivation to write a 10 minute blog on a regular basis, so how I ever expected myself to be able to spend an hour a day studying...
Ever since I reached the peak of local night-school Japanese education (GCSE level - though with less kanji tuition) I've struggled to make any further progress. Up to now, any option other than self-study requires a greater lifestyle change than I've been willing to risk. Unfortunately, as I've already hinted, I am inately lazy and have an acute version of the attention defecit disorder shared by anyone born since 1973.
Sporadic study marathons (seperated by long gaps) have helped me retain most of what I learned, but I just can't seem to progress without a tutor.
I've recently been giving the Pimsleur tapes a go - how hard could half an hour a day of listening and repeating be? 20 days out of 120 is how hard, apparently. I had a good run during my week off, but a week later and I haven't touched a single lesson despite all my recent good intentions.
Anyway, while this blog is just a general whinge to the 3 people that know me, it's also an appeal to anyone that may be passing (searching google for exposes on the hidden laziness of workaholic Japanese salarymen perhaps) for any tips or advice to cure my terminal lethargy.
Electric shock therapy, vegetarianism, cold salt baths... I'm open to any suggestions.
On the plus side, Jenny lent me some childrens books she bought years ago in a charity shop in the hopes that I'd at the very least be able to work out which asian language they were written in (happily they're in Japanese) and they've been great fun to (attempt to) translate.
Certainly more fun than the 12 hours I spent flicking back and forth through kanji guides in my struggle to read the first page of 'Harry Potter to Kenja no Ishi'
*By the way the answer is 'taidana', although I was almost too lazy to look it up.
Si, I honestly think the answer is just to go and live in Japan for a while. Sounds scary I know, but if it's something you love then who cares? x
Anonymous, at 4:02 pm
I whole-heartedly agree with Ianbo, it'll force you to speak japanese! Pleased the books are making you do something, but don't worry, laziness is inherent when living in Ringwood!
Anonymous, at 4:03 pm
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