Current mood:
Title is a referance to Ian (G) licking my portable fan in an attempt to shower everyone in moist DNA and is therefore not filthy...but it sounds it, so all is well.
Yet another boozy pub night last night as a result of a failed attempt to watch the new Pirates of the Carribean film. It was going too well. Spur of the moment decision the day before, everyone was free, enough car space...something had to go wrong. Bloody Orange Wednesdays - massive queue.
First time I've been laughed at by a cashier. All I said was, "8 for Pirates at 8 O'clock". Hmm, working in the retail/service industry as I do, I'll have to remember that it's now ok to mock customers to their face (well I do this already, but only to the ones who don't notice). I'm ready for blatent offending tomorow:)
Last night's pub topic: Euphemisms for stuff:
Bloke thongs:
Cucumber futon
Courgette lilo
Hotdog recliner
Stunt pubes
Qu*m toupee (stemmed from our attempt to re-enact the imagined plot of Pirates 2 and whether Keira needed help to keep the 18th Century look accurate. Someone needed an explanation fo what a merkin actually was)
Anyway, finally made it to see the film this afternoon. Only 4 of us tho, so Pirate Jennie, Jon, Linz and Ian (C) will be unhappy...:( (especially Ian since it was his idea in the first place)
Was good, but no spoilers - since I know that the 2 people that will read this haven't seen it (tho the 2 people -hello- were also at the pub and witnessed all this, so this blog is pretty much redundent...hooray!)
Oh and Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe was back on BBC Four tonight. Watch it! (unless you hate Charlie Brooker, or TV critics in general - thos as far as Critcs go Mr. Brooker seems, to me at least, a fair way above the usual pond life).
 | Currently listening : The Great Escape By Blur Release date: By 26 September, 1995 |