The Joy of Fists
Hmm...odd moment tonight. In 31 years I've never been punched in the face and always wondered what it was like. Well now I need wonder no more, my virgin face has been well and truly bruised. By a child! of the feral nature that the Daily Mail is probably continually banging on about (apparently he's 21 but he looks like a child...must be compensating for something).
Apparently some young thug took exception to the fact I'd barred him from the local offie for stealing so thought he'd have a go. It was quite fun, especially with Jon dancing around him displaying his best ballet moves.
So after I'd been wrestled to the ground and a couple of us had enjoyed an enpunchment we skipped home to listen to cheese - including the pigglyfish amalgam of Propaganda! And then spent a few minutes watching Bagpuss, so I could extract the 'Tingle Tangle Tingle' song for Jennie's spangly new Ringtone. Oh the hardship of a brawler's lifestyle...
Apparently some young thug took exception to the fact I'd barred him from the local offie for stealing so thought he'd have a go. It was quite fun, especially with Jon dancing around him displaying his best ballet moves.
So after I'd been wrestled to the ground and a couple of us had enjoyed an enpunchment we skipped home to listen to cheese - including the pigglyfish amalgam of Propaganda! And then spent a few minutes watching Bagpuss, so I could extract the 'Tingle Tangle Tingle' song for Jennie's spangly new Ringtone. Oh the hardship of a brawler's lifestyle...