Brain Bib

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Joy of Fists

Hmm...odd moment tonight. In 31 years I've never been punched in the face and always wondered what it was like. Well now I need wonder no more, my virgin face has been well and truly bruised. By a child! of the feral nature that the Daily Mail is probably continually banging on about (apparently he's 21 but he looks like a child...must be compensating for something).

Apparently some young thug took exception to the fact I'd barred him from the local offie for stealing so thought he'd have a go. It was quite fun, especially with Jon dancing around him displaying his best ballet moves.

So after I'd been wrestled to the ground and a couple of us had enjoyed an enpunchment we skipped home to listen to cheese - including the pigglyfish amalgam of Propaganda! And then spent a few minutes watching Bagpuss, so I could extract the 'Tingle Tangle Tingle' song for Jennie's spangly new Ringtone. Oh the hardship of a brawler's lifestyle...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Wireless Piggyback

WARNING!: Silicone based readers may find this account of how I achieved my wireless dream needlessly and hideously erotic.

I moistened my fingers and caressed my keyboard lightly. The keys clacked slackly against my digits. I gently inserted the usb router into the glistening socket and wiggled it until the computer achieved a satisfied connection.

My hard drive became active as a I stroked the shiny mouse back and forth. I tried to enter the domain but I was blocked by a spy-worm penetrating my firewall. I sheathed my computer with virus protection and entered my wep key into the waiting box.
Still, it wouldn't provide me with my i.p.
"What's my domain, bitch!" I cried as I hammered the keys rhythmically.
Eventually the computer seemed satisfied with my efforts and I slumped back in my chair, sweating, panting and feeling strangely hollow inside.